About AoU
Ambassadors of UPH (AoU) is a program which has the main objective of finding and developing students who have the potential to become UPH ambassadors, who are willing to be honed in the self-development process and can be entrusted with representing UPH.
UPH Ambassadors act as role models for students in accordance with UPH’s vision and mission, as well as UPH’s graduate profiles: Scholar, Leader, and Citizen.
Road to Pre-Event
General Training
This is the first training program for all applicants. Here, you will be introduced with Ambassadors of UPH, learn about life values, roles of an Ambassador, communication skills, and UPH Knowledge.

This program is used to get to know more about all Ambassadors applicants. Make sure you give the best impression to them!
Intensive Training
This training program is tailored to prepare all applicants for Pre-Event and Grand Final. Here, you will learn about public speaking and project management.

Grooming Session
As a representative of the campus, an Ambassador have to look presentable. Therefore, in the grooming session, you will learn about self grooming for self development and fine dining knowledge.
In this stage, all future Ambassadors will empower everyone through their speech and influence others through campaigns and projects.

Road to Grand Final

Intensive Training
In this training, you will learn how to speak professionally in public, enhance your personal branding, and learn impromptu speaking.
Self Development
Ambassadors will be provided some self-development class, such as Personality Class, Table Manner Class, or Character Development Class, so that they are more ready to be the next role models of UPH Medan Campus.

Health & Wellness
Health is one of the priority in Ambassadors of UPH program. All future Ambassadors will be given the privilege to attend a special Health and Wellness class presented by New Life Gym.
Community Service
All Ambassadors are trained to serve others. Therefore, they will visit an orphanage to give service to underprivileged children.

Hair and Styling Session
In order to look presentable in front of public, all Ambassadors will have the privilege to have hair and styling session with one of the best hair stylist in Medan. Make Up session is also available for female Ambassadors.
Outfit Fitting and Photoshoot
In order to look presentable in front of public, all Ambassadors will have the privilege to have an outfit fitting session with one of the best fashion designer in Medan. All Ambassadors will also have a photoshoot session by one of the best photo studio in Medan.

Cultural Class
All Ambassadors will learn together about culture in historical building and museum, such as Tjong A Fie Mansion and Rahmat Gallery.
Quality Time & Bonding
Ambassadors of UPH is not created to make competitive atmosphere. Instead, each Ambassadors have strong bonding with each other and work together as a team of role models.

Grand Final
The most extravagant night of Ambassadors of UPH. Here, you will witness the Coronation of the Ambassador of UPH and enjoy performances by students of UPH Medan Campus.
* Programs might be slightly different every year.
Live on YouTube!
Grand Final Ambassadors of UPH 2020
Road to Grand Final
Ambassadors of UPH 2019
Our Ambassadors

Frans Lim
Male Ambassador of UPH 2015
Accounting 2014

Gisella A. Wenas
Female Ambassador of UPH 2015
Management 2014

Denny Adrian
Male Ambassador of UPH 2016
Accounting 2016

Female Ambassador of UPH 2016
Accounting 2015

Indriani S. P. br. Nainggolan
Ambassador of UPH 2019
Management 2018

Madeline Elizabeth
Ambassador of UPH 2020
Management 2019

Lippo Plaza Medan 5th - 7th Floors
Jl. Imam Bonjol No. 6 Medan - 20112 North Sumatra, Indonesia
© 2020 BEM UPH Medan Campus. All rights reserved.